Tuesday, September 11, 2012

States of Matter Year 5 Notes

Bismillah.. =)

There are 3 basic states of matter : solid, liquid and gas..


  • A solid is anything that holds a particular size and shape. 
  • An apple, a block of wood, and a penny are all solids.
  • The only way they can change their shape is by force.
  • The particles in a solid are tightly packed and don't make a lot of movements.
  • There is not much free space in between the particles, so there is very little room for the particles to move.
  • Solid have mass.


  • A liquid is anything that has size or volume, but does not have a shape.
  • Liquids must be contained in a cup, bottle or receptacle in order to have a shape.
  • Milk, water and juice are liquids.
  • Liquids particles are not so close together as particles of solid.
  • They move around and past each other much more freely.
  • They have no regular shape or arrangement and move freely.
  • Liquid have mass.


  • Gases are hard to identify because they have no colour or shape.
  • It has no shape or size.
  • Take a deep breath and feel your lungs get bigger, your lungs are filling up with air, and air is a combination of many gases.
  • The particles in a gas move freely at high speeds.
  • There is a lot of free space in between the particles, and they take shape of any container.
  • Gases have mass.

Kitaran Hujan Year 5 Notes

Bismillah.. =)

Apakah itu air?

  • Air adalah cecair tidak berwarna, meliputi 71% bumi.
  • 97% air di bumi adalah air garam.
  • 3% air di bumi adalah air tawar.
  • Kebanyakan air tawar beku di Kutub Utara & Kutub Selatan.
  • Air terdiri dari molekul 2 atom hidrogen dan 1 atom oksigen, kerana itu molekul air disebut H2O.

Apakah Kitaran Air?
    Kitaran air juga dikenali sebagai kitaran hidrologi. Jumlah air di bumi adalah tetap, tidak berkurang dan tidak bertambah. Kitaran air adalah proses bagaimana air bergerak dari satu fasa ke fasa yang lain. 
    Kitaran termasuk hujan, penyejatan, pemeluwapan, dan transpirasi. Air di bumi sentiasa berubah dari cecair kepada wap dan kemudian kembali lagi. Kitaran ini berlaku kerana haba dan graviti matahari.

Bagaimana kitaran air berlaku?

  • Penyejatan -  Molekul air dari tasik, sungai, sungai, takungan, dan lautan dipanaskan oleh matahari dan bertukar menjadi wap yang naik ke udara.
  • Transpirasi - Tumbuhan dipanaskan oleh matahari, dan mengeluarkan wap-wap air melalui daun.
  • Molekul-molekul air di udara membentuk awan.
  • Pemeluwapan - Apabila udara menjadi sejuk, awan membentuk titis air yang jatuh ke bumi sebagai hujan. Jika kawasan itu terlalu sejuk, titis-titis air akan menjadi salji.
  • Apabila air sampai ke tanah, ia boleh mengalir seluruh negeri itu sehingga ia sampai ke sungai, tasik, sungai, atau lautan. Ini adalah air permukaan. Ia juga boleh tenggelam ke dalam tanah dan aliran dengan graviti melalui jurang dalam batu, dan pasir dan ini dikenali sebagai air bawah tanah. 
  • Kitaran akan bermula sekali lagi.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Water Cycle Year 5 Quiz

Bismillah.. =)

Have you watch the 'water cycle video' and read notes about water cycle?
Now it's the great time to answers some water cycle questions..
Good Luck!

So, can you relate what have you learn?
=) GOOD, then.. 

Water Cycle Year 5 Video

Bismillah.. =)

Now, lets watch a nice video about water cycle..
Enjoy it..

So now.. have you understand about the water cycle?
Lets test your understanding by clicking the 'water cycle year 5 quiz'..
Good Luck, fellas.. 

States Of Matter Year 5 Quiz

Bismillah.. =)

So, children..
Have you understand enough about 'states of matter'?
Why not answer some of these questions...
Good Luck! 

So, how many you got right?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Energy Year 5 Quiz

Bismillah.. =)

Dah memahami tentang tenaga?
Have you explored enough about energy?
Let's answer some question..

Jadi, berapa markah dapat?
=) selamat mencuba marid-murid sekalian..

States of matter Year 5 MindMap

Bismillah.. =)

Di sini cikgu sertakan mindmap states of matter untuk darjah 5..
Selamat mencuba, murid-murid yang cikgu kasihi..

Copy paste gambar untuk menggunakannya..